As a member

A membership at is free!

Everyone is welcome at But - and this is important to us - speech therapists and members of similar professions are especially welcome, are our target group.

We are aware that the therapy mats are also used by non-specialist professional groups. However, the treatment of speech, language, voice, hearing, swallowing and communication disorders is a logopedic task. As educators, relatives, caregivers, please be sure to discuss the use with a speech therapist.

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Job offers

What we also have on offer are job vacancies. Here, too, you are in demand. Because we can only present job offers that we have received.

You can easily post a job offer with us. Find your future employee with us.

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As author

Our therapy material manufactory lives from participation. Without our authors we would be quite naked and have nothing to show you.

You too can easily become an author:in with us and share your therapy mats with others.

Why would you do that?

We are known for the quality of our therapy mats among speech therapists. Of course, not all mats are perfect - some have really big weaknesses. But as a lone warrior, how are you supposed to know that in your daily practice? No one tells you - usually no one else can judge.

However, if you make your own therapy mats available to us, you will receive this feedback from other speech therapists who have used your therapy material. This is a kind of quality control for your mats, a peer review.

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