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Worksheet for Part-Whole about everyday objects
A worksheet in the part-whole section about everyday objects. On two pages, the task is to find a word that does not match the others and is not part of the named item. On two other pages, sentences must be completed using these items. LanguagePicture Semantics Selection & Filling
A comprehensive therapy material for aphasia patients. Matching words have to be chosen from a list of pictures. On some worksheets several items fit, on others only one item fits. LanguageDoubleMix mini Semantics Animals
DoubleMix mini is designed so that on each two cards always and only one item is identical. This has something to do with math. The therapy material is all about animals. 🙃 The game consists of 31 cards, each with 6 items. Print on solid cardboard. Cut out the cards and laminate them if necessary. LanguageDoubleMix mini furniture and household
DoubleMix mini is designed so that on each two cards always and only one item is identical. This has something to do with math. 🙃 The game consists of 31 cards, each with 6 items. Print on solid cardboard. Cut out the cards and laminate them if necessary. If you want, you can color the... LanguageWhere du you hear the T sound?
Therapy material for auditory perception in Tauzism. Pictures are shown which are to be named. The child is then asked to indicate the position of the T sound. PerceptionWhere du you hear the S sound?
Therapy material for auditory perception in sigmatism. Pictures are shown which are to be named. The child is then asked to indicate the position of the S sound. SpeechComplete the Words – Cloze Body Parts
With these worksheets you can work with patients who have aphasia or difficulty writing. There are pictures of body parts and the patient must either write the correct word, fill in missing vowels, complete the first letter or find errors in the name of the item. Language and Learning- Loading...Hurray! You have reached the end of the list.